Datalogic Mobile Barcode Readers

Datalogic WinMobile Barcode Equipment delivers rapid and cost-efficient data capture solutions.


Skorpio X4

A Reliable and Rugged Mobile Computer
The Skorpio X4 mobile computer delivers the ultimate in ergonomics, intuitive user interface, and data capture technologies, combined with best-in-class ruggedness.

Part#: Skorpiox4
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Falcon X4

Legendary Flacon With Upgraded Performance
The Falcon X4 mobile computer represents the next generation of Datalogic’s flagship product.

Part#: Falconx4
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Datalogic Memor 10

Memor 10 PDA is an advanced and competitive device
The Datalogic Memor 10 is a full touch Android mobile computer. It is built to withstand harsh conditions and treatment while still maintaining optimum performance. The Datalogic Memor 10 is available featuring Android 8.1 with Google Mobile Services.

Part#: DLM-101
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